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 Comprehensive Plan Background & History

When the Comprehensive Plan was undergoing review for proposed revision in the late-2000's, the County Commissioners obtained state funding to assist the process, which allowed them to form neighborhood groups made up of citizens from the various areas of the County.


The groups met for one to two years and submitted their recommendations to the Planning Director.

The BOCC opted not to use any of them in the final plan that was approved in December 2014. 

Advisory Groups

3-8-2021 Planning Commission Public Hearing
Comprehensive Plan and DEIS Addendum

Click on timestamp to go directly to that part of the video. 

00:00​ - staff admit attendees to WebEx platform 
09:36​ - Planning Commission Chair Al Roberts welcomes public and gives rules of testimony. 
12:22​ - Planning Director Pete Palmer gives report and background on Comprehensive Plan 
24:12​ - Dick Ewing is called and defers to later speaking slot 
25:00​ - John Crandall gives comments 
30:33​ - Maggie Coon gives comments 
35:08​ - Katie Haven gives comments (audio not available due to recording glitch) 
39:01​ - Lorah Super is called and defers to later speaking slot. 
39:44​ - Mary Yglesia gives comments. 
44:20​ - Melanie Rowland gives comments. 
48:55​ - Isabelle Spohn gives comments. 
54:50​ - Easton Branam gives comments. 
1:02:10​ - Dick Ewing (Farm Bureau) gives comments. 
1:04:56​ - Lorah Super (MV Citizens Council) gives comments. 
1:09:35​ - Planning commissioners confer amongst themselves about technical issues. 
1:12:38​ - Planning commissioner Dave Shultz asks to know the number of comments they have received. 
1:14:35​ - Planning commissioner Gina McCoy discusses table of contents of draft comp plan 
​1:16:05​ - Planning commissioner Phil Dart asks why very few comments are received from outside the Methow Valley part of the county.

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